Dean's List Trivia Game - Free Download
Dean's List Trivia Game
Name: Dean's List Trivia Game Entwickler: Wixity Inc. Preis: Größe: 8,7M | Version: 2.0 minimale Android Version: 1.5 oder höher Kategorie: Lernen Download: Look at the bottom of the page |
Challenge your intellect with this creative trivia quiz that will keep you thinking for hours. It will test your knowledge in a variety of subjects and the more you play, the more you can learn and win. The best of the best will earn badges and establish themselves at the very top of the Dean's List.
The Freshman Year edition of the Dean's List features 1000 challenging questions in a variety of categories. Individual Dean's List Awards can be earned in each question set and greater accolades can be earned as you demonstrate your expertise in particular subjects. Start playing the Dean's Challenge today!
Key Features:
200 question sets gives you 1000 challenging questions
Dean's List Awards for those who demonstrate expertise in categories
Detailed report card with links to answer sources to learn even more
Three additional years featuring 1000 questions in each available for purchase
Expertise awards to show mastery in subjects (Red for honors, Silver for high honors, and Gold for expert honors)
Upcoming Features:
Global scoreboard to see how you rank against other players
More Dean's List Awards to earn as you play