Email My Conversation - Free Download
Email My Conversation
Name: Email My Conversation Entwickler: Geo Safety Net Preis: Größe: 404k | Version: 5.0 minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher Kategorie: Kommunikation Download: Look at the bottom of the page |
Get your text thread in one email. Sends all msgs from start to finish.
Email your text thread in one email.
Select A Conversation from the list
Enter the email address and then click send
Sends complete conversation in one email
Select a starting point in a conversation and create the email from there.
Send us your suggestions.
Line Format
To: [Contact Name] (555-555-1212) Message: You the man. Date: 10/15/10 12:01
From: [Contact Name] (555-555-1212) Message: Check is in the mail! Date: 10/15/10 07:24
Email My Texts, Email Texts, Get Text Messages, Get All Texts, backup my texts, backup sms, email sms,get texts in email,backup texts,email text, Forward a thread, thread forwarding, conversation backup, thread backup.
Download: Email My Conversation APK for free