GOLauncherEx Theme BloodRed - Free Download
GOLauncherEx Theme BloodRed
Name: GOLauncherEx Theme BloodRed Entwickler: TeamCarbon Preis: Größe: 4,9M | Version: 2.7 minimale Android Version: 2.0 oder höher Kategorie: Personalisierung Download: Look at the bottom of the page |
=== GoLauncherEx Theme ===
=== by TeamCarbon ===
Matches other BloodRed Themes by TeamCarbon
Check out our: GOSMS, GOWidget, GOContacts, GoKeyboard, ADWLauncher/EX AndroidProWidgets and CM7 ThemeChooser Themes
Now with 6 matched wallpapers and around 350 coded icons + 110 other icons in the icon pack to choose from
please email us to requestspecific app icons, include app and developer name :)
Don't forget to rate and comment please, your feedback is important to us
Please check out our other colors and apps
We have themes for:
CM7, GoLauncher, GoSMS, GoKeyboard, GoWidgets
Other Colors:
SteelBlue, BloodRed, AdeaPink, PoisonGreen,
SunsetOrange, DeepPurple, SkullGray,
SulphurYellow, ElectricCyan
Try it and give feedback, we are happy for you to contact us with suggestions.
Please check us out on:
Twitter : @TeamCarboneam
Facebook (search TeamCarbon)
Website: www.team-carbon.com
Keywords :
GoLauncher, GoLauncher EX, Theme, Team Carbon, TeamCarbon, Red, Blood Red, BloodRed, ICS, Ice, Cream, Sandwich