LDS Hymn Book - Free Download
LDS Hymn Book
Name: LDS Hymn Book Entwickler: S.A.G. Preis: Größe: 1,1M | Version: 1.9.1 minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher Kategorie: Bücher & Nachschlagewerke Download: Look at the bottom of the page |
The LDS Hymn Book is a lightweight app that displays musical notation with text and it is able to stream MP3 with the actual hymn with voice and/or just music directly from the LDS church website. It's the official Hymnbook, the Children's Songbook and Young Woman Camp Songs compilations in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. Because of copyright restrictions a couple hymns are not accessible to the app.
New in Version 1.9.1
- Download Server Fix, our new servers should provide faster downloads.
New in Version 1.9
- User Interface Makeover
- NEW DOWNLOAD MANAGER (All hymns in all languages can now be stored in your sdcard in the quality of your choice, this should greatly improve performance and you don't need an internet connection to view your hymns anymore).
- Improved Hymn MP3 Player & Better playback performance.
- Minor Bug fixes
** Thanks for your patience & feedback for this release. Hymns on the server side have been improved (Children's Songbook English) and will keep updating as time allows. I appreciate your patronage!
New in Version 1.8
- New Hymn Playlist Player (search and listen to your hymns in either voice mode or music mode in your playlist, access to all hymns in the app. With Seek Bar, Shuffle mode, playback controls.)
- Young Women Camp Songs—English in English (Hymns & Music)
- Young Women Camp Songs—Spanish (Hymns & Music)
- Young Women Camp Songs—Portuguese (Hymns & Music)
New in Version 1.7
- Hymn View now in Full Screen Mode
- Children's Songbook in English (Hymns, Voice & Music)
- Children's Songbook in Spanish (Hymns, Voice & Music)
- Children's Songbook in Portuguese (Hymns, Voice & Music)
- Children's Songbook in French (Hymns, Voice & Music)
- Bug Fixes
Updates in Version 1.6
- Hymns & MP3 (Voice and Music) in Spanish Available
- Hymns & MP3 (Music Only) in Portuguese Available
- Hymns & MP3 (Music Only) in French Available
- Bug Fixes (First Start)
- Cache Clearing Before & After Use
Other Updates
- Automatic Hymn Resize
- Searchable Hymn Directory
- Image Quality Control
- Android 1.6 (or Higher)
- Internet Access (WiFi/3G/4G/EDGE/...)
Tested On:
- EVO 4G (Phone)
- HP Zeen (Tablet)
While this app is private and licensed under purchase for your use, the material this app can access is available at NO COST from this app's website and/or from the church website. No media (text, images, music) is stored in your device. At the same time this app is provided AS-IS without any type of warranty whatsoever.
Please visit our website for more details on the terms of use for this app, or if you wish to contact the author.
Himnos SUD, Hinos SUD, Cantiques SDJ, Canciones para los niños SUD, Recueil de Chants pour les enfants SDJ, Músicas para Crianças SUD, Canciones de Campamento para las Mujeres Jóvenes, Músicas de Acampamento para as Moças