Archive for 05/07/12

Spendroid - Finance Manager - Free Download


Spendroid - Finance Manager

Name: Spendroid - Finance Manager
Entwickler: flictec Inc.
Preis: 4,00 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 1,0M
Version: 4.3.1
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Finanzen
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Start managing your daily expenses today with Spendroid!

Spendroid is a world ready personal finance manager with rich, beatuful UI and powerful analysis features. Engilish or Japanese UI. A lots of currencies which are independent from UI and Device locale settings.

Advantages on the paid edition:
*No Ads
*Unlimited number of books which allows you to manage all cash, bank accounts, eMoney, credit cards and check books.
*Select to manage individual accounts or convined multi-accouts each other.

•Payment Book (eMoney, pre-paied card etc.)
•Favorite Categories
•Filter setting to exclude or include future transactions
•Record Input Shortcut
•Daily/Tag header
•Auto Scheduled Backup
•Backup all data
•Books aggregation view
•Creadit filter
•Save data to SD
•Customizable 2 level categories
•Simple input
•Attach photo (pick from Gallary. Recommend "Directshot" app to take photos directly)
•Flexble analysis using sort and filters (dates, categories and credit, etc.)
•Save/Playback filter combination as Filterset
•Import/Export CSV
•Multiple currencies. Supporting world-wide currencies available on your device. (Independent from UI choice)
•Multiple books (Up to two in free edition)
•Deposit/Withdraw between books
•Balance adjustment
•6 theme colors for each books
•optimized for Landscape view
•Creadit card support
•Custom fiscal year and month
•Set reminder for future billing

Limitations on the free edition
•The first book is free
•Mutilple books features are trial
-Up to 2 books,
-up to 50 records on the second book(200 if upgraded from old versions)

Contact Info:
If you have any questions, trubles, please feel free to email.
Developer: flictec Inc.

[Recent Changes]
2011/11/23 v4.1.3
Bug Fix
Crash when tap filter icon

[New Features]
Fixed Cost Manager
Credit Book

5/28/2011 V3.2
[New] Payment Book (eMoney, pre-paied card etc.)
Payment Book appears when editing/creating records so that you can directly deduct form other books. It is convinient for eMoney, pre-paied etc.
Payment Book can be set in new/edit book dialog and set "Use for Payments" checked.

5/13/2011 V3.1.3
[New] Favorite Categories, Filter out unused categories
[New] Filter setting to exclude or include future transactions
[New] Option for setting book manager as home view
[Bug Fix] Chart is blank after switching chart types.
[Bug Fix] Fraction digits appearance issues on some currencies

expenses track personal financial manager money tracking bank credit rent check payments currency diary account book accountant

anMoney Finanzen (Deutsch) - Free Download


anMoney Finanzen (Deutsch)

Name: anMoney Finanzen (Deutsch)
Entwickler: anMONEY (Pte) Ltd
Preis: 12,99 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 3,5M
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Finanzen
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


anMoney Persönliche Finanzen

!! Jetzt komplett in Deutsch und mit 1 Woche Geld-Zurück-Garantie – Wir stehen hinter unserem Produkt!!

Können Sie sich vorstellen, dass es ein komplettes Finanzpaket – wie Microsoft Money oder Quicken - als App für Ihr Handy oder Tablet gibt?

" are getting a fantastic, powerful application that does a terrifc job of helping you get your finances in order." - 2011 Android App Guide:

Probieren Sie es risikofrei aus. Sie haben drei volle Tage Zeit und bekommen Ihr Geld komplett zurück – ohne Fragen. Probieren Sie das Programm länger als die vom Android Markt vorgesehenen 15 Minuten aus (bis zu 72 Stunden!), schreiben Sie uns an , um Ihr Geld zurückzubekommen (in der Regel dauert das 8 Stunden).

Einige der Highlights des Programmes:

· Volle Zusammenarbeit mit MS Money / Quicken Export-Dateien
· 3 Widgets
· Budget
· Wiederkehrende Buchungen und Splitbuchungen
· Passwort-Sicherheit
· Automatische Backups
· Verschiedene Währungen auswählbar
· Eigene Kategorien und 2 Klassen
· Berichtswesen (inkl.Export nach PDF, HTML und CSV)
· Export aller Transaktionen nach QIF und CSV
- Integriert mit MyBackup Pro
· Unterstützt Android 3.0/4.0

We also offer a competitor upgrade discount of up to 30% -- see the end of the description for details.

Competitor upgrade offer details:

- You must have purchased an Android personal finance app from the Google Android Market or the Amazon App Market. The app must be a paid app and be in the Finance category.

- Purchase anMoney and send us the receipt for the competitor app. The receipt must indicate that the order is complete (i.e. in "shipped" state.)

- The name on both receipts must match.

- Within 24 hours, we will refund you, via PayPal, up to US$5.00 of the purchase price of the competitor app. For example, if the competitor app was US$1.99, we will refund you US$1.99; if it was US$6.99 we will refund you US$5.00. Please send us your PayPal e-mail so we can process your refund.

Tägliches Po-Training - Free Download


Tägliches Po-Training

Name: Tägliches Po-Training
Entwickler: Daniel Miller
Preis: 0,75 € For free at our blog!
Größe: Variiert je nach Gerät
Version: Variiert je nach Gerät
minimale Android Version: Variiert je nach Gerät
Kategorie: Gesundheit & Fitness
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Want to strengthen and tone your butt and legs in 5 minutes a day?

Tägliches Po-Training ist Teil einer Reihe von Täglichen Trainingsapps mit schnellen und effektiven Trainingsübungen für jeden Tag für Männer und Frauen, bei denen man schrittweise durch die besten Übungen für Zuhause begleitet wird. Diese bewährten Trainingsübungen, welche von einem ausgebildeten Privattrainer vorgeführt werden, sprechen alle wichtigen Muskeln an. In nur wenigen Minuten am Tag kann man so seinen Körper formen und straffen.

Die einfache Benutzeroberfläche sowie Videos und Zeituhren ermöglichen ein leichtes Nachmachen und Verstehen einer jeden Übung. Nur ein Programm wählen und nachmachen – ganz simpel also!

Die Vorteile der VOLLVERSION:
• Mehr Übungen
• Zufallsfunktion und benutzerdefinierte Anpassung der verschiedenen täglichen Übungen
• Werbefrei

Battery Solo Widget Pro - Free Download


Battery Solo Widget Pro

Name: Battery Solo Widget Pro
Entwickler: Pedro Maicas
Preis: 1,49 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 78k
Version: 1.5
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Widget, battery level indicator.

Battery Solo Widget Pro:

- Displays maximum information available on each device (yes, yes, yes)

- Shows real time data (yes, yes, yes)

- Shows accurate data: Level, Temperature, Current, Voltage, ...

- Configurable colors.

- Configurable trigger levels

- Not battery drain.

Users report:

- Best battery level indicator for Android.

- Great, simple, accurate. This app is the dark horse of battery status monitors.

- Big numbers and dial give all the info needed at a quick glance.

- Simple, cool, awesome.

애무의정석 200+ - Free Download


애무의정석 200+

Name: 애무의정석 200+
Entwickler: Don't Just So
Preis: 1,26 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 18M
Version: 2.0.0
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Lifestyle
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


아이폰 170만 다운로드의 베스트셀러 성인앱
「애무의정석 200+」드디어 안드로이드 상륙!

✔ 170만 다운로드 MUST-HAVE 앱 선정
✔ 아이폰 일본 유/무료 전체1위 8/5~8/13
✔ 아이폰 한국 유/무료/매출 전체1위 5/25~6/14

─── 〃여러분, 애무가 섹스보다 중요합니다. 〃

√ 남성, 여성의 약 70%가 쾌감의 가장 중요한
조건으로「애무」를 뽑았습니다.

2011년 3월 1900명을 대상으로 한 설문조사에
의하면, 답변자의 68%가 쾌감의 가장 중요한 조건
으로 "애무, 전희" 를 뽑았고, 성교(삽입)는 2위에
(조사기관: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy)

── 〃많은 사용자들이 극찬한 검증된 앱입니다. 〃

(아래는 실제로 앱스토어에 달렸던 리뷰입니다)

"평소보다 여친이 2배는 더 느낀다고 그러더군요.
대박 어플임. 성생활이 업그레이드되었어요."
by 림군 님 - 11.06.02

"실행에 옮기니 남자친구가 자지러집니다...ㅋ 반응
살피는것 또한 쏠쏠한 재미임ㅋㅋ백발백중임..ㅋ"
by 끼링 님 - 11.05.27

"둘째 낳고 성욕이 떨어져 있던 상태였는데..
울 신랑이 정독후 실습..완전 대 만족!! 간만에 연애
할때 느낌 받았어요.."
by 아냐아냐 님 - 11.06.24

"솔직히 여자들은 이걸보고 공부 해야함!!! 남자는
무슨 성감대가 한군데냐??
죽어라 거기만 파고!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
by 조갱구이 님 - 11.06.08

─── 〃애무의정석은 독보적 특징이 있습니다.〃

▶▶ 현존하는 성인앱 중에 가장 많은 텍스트 분량
-글자 75210자, 단어 17657개, 원고지 368장
-남성용, 여성용, 정통애무, 이색애무가 골고루 수록

▶▶ 직관적이고 편리한 인터페이스
-가장 편하게 사용할수있도록 UX를 설계하였습니다.

▶▶ 다년간 업계에 종사한 국내 전문가 8명이 제작
-카더라 통신 수준의 질 낮은 정보가 아닌, 전문가가
직접 제작한 전문 컨텐츠입니다. 또한 모든 애무에
대해 8명 전문가의 별점 평균이 책정되어 있습니다.

▶▶ 너무 구체적이고 민망할 정도로 디테일한 내용
-손 모양은 어떻게 해야 하고, 혀는 어느 정도만
닿아야 하며, 지속시간은 어느 정도가 좋을지,
"모두", 그러니까 정말 모두, 나와 있습니다.

▶▶ 완벽한 프라이버시 보호
-남들이 볼까 두려워 마세요. 아이콘 아래에 "정석"
이라는 이름만 표시됩니다. 카드 고지서에도
앱이름이 표시되지 않습니다.

▶▶ 재야고수들의 의견을받고 지속적으로 업데이트 또는 트위터
(@dontjustso)로 본인의 독창적인 애무기술에
대해 보내주십시오. 전문가 토론과 수차례의
임상실험을 거쳐 업데이트 여부를 알려드립니다.

Skout+ : Treffen, chatten - Free Download


Skout+ : Treffen, chatten

Name: Skout+ : Treffen, chatten
Entwickler: Skout Inc.
Preis: 3,03 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 4,8M
Version: 2.11.3
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Soziale Netzwerke
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Melde dich beim heißesten KOSTENLOSEN sozialen Netzwerk an und lerne neue Leute kennen – überall und wann du willst!

***Bekannt aus ABC News, CNN, Fox News, NY Times***

Lerne sofort Millionen Männer und Frauen aus deiner Umgebung sowie weltweit kennen. Mit Skout kannst du flirten, spielen, feiern, dich verabreden oder neue Freunde kennenlernen. Mit Millionen von Usern, unzähligen Extras, unendlichem Spaß und unwiderstehlichen Kennenlern-Features war es noch nie so leicht, neue Freunde, Flirts oder Verabredungen zu finden! Skout ist der tägliche Treffpunkt für Leute aus deiner Stadt und der ganzen Welt.

Erweitere dein soziales Netzwerk mit nur einem Fingertipp. Es macht so viel Spaß, dass du gar nicht mehr aufhören willst!

Lade Skout jetzt herunter und stürze dich in die Party!

Und besonders wichtig: Wir nehmen deine Privatsphäre sehr ernst. Du behältst stets die vollständige Kontrolle über deine Daten – dein genauer Standort und deine persönlichen Angaben werden keinesfalls ohne deine Genehmigung weitergegeben.

Benutzerprofile, die Nacktbilder, obszöne Inhalte, Spam oder andere unangemessene, urheberrechtlich geschützte, rechtswidrige oder anstößige Inhalte enthalten, sind streng untersagt.

Lustige Schriften - Free Download


Lustige Schriften

Name: Lustige Schriften
Entwickler: Swiss Codemonkeys
Preis: 1,99 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 395k
Version: 2.5
minimale Android Version: 1.5 oder höher
Kategorie: Kommunikation
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


\ ,__,
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||--|| *

Keine langweiligen emails mehr!
Dekoriert auch Deinen
.·´¯`·-> Namen <-·´¯`·..

viele coole symbole, fonts, lustige kuh (wie oben)

Verschickt direkt per sms und email !

電話帳R Plus - Free Download


電話帳R Plus

Name: 電話帳R Plus
Entwickler: SHOGO [studiofly apps]
Preis: 1,99 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 67k
Version: 1.2.0
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Kommunikation
Download: Look at the bottom of the page











Pocket First Aid & CPR - Free Download


Pocket First Aid & CPR

Name: Pocket First Aid & CPR
Entwickler: Jive Media Inc
Preis: 1,51 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 9,7M
Version: 4.0
minimale Android Version: 2.0 oder höher
Kategorie: Gesundheit & Fitness
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


First & CPR from the American Heart Association

- Updated to reflect The American Heart Association Guidelines on CPR & Emergency Cardiovascular Care
- 34 videos and 46 high-resolution illustrations added
- Added Search functionality
- Reorganized content to make it easier to find help in an emergency
- Adult, Child, and Infant CPR
- Adult, Child, and Infant Choking
- Redesigned user interface for ease of use
- Bug fixes and other enhancements to improve user experience

Pocket First Aid & CPR from the American Heart Association helps save a life in Haiti. Read the incredible story of Dan Woolley, who survived 65 hours under rubble using this application. As seen on CNN, NBC Nightly News, Fox News, London Daily Mail, NPR, and many more.

All content provided by the American Heart Association, the nation's oldest and largest voluntary health organization dedicated to building healthier lives, free of heart disease and stroke. Learn more by visiting Powered by Jive Media, the leading producer of consumer medical applications for mobile devices:

Send us your requests/feedback. We'd love to hear from you:

This application is designed for the general public and is not meant to substitute for full CPR and first aid training, nor is it meant to be used by a healthcare provider in a professional setting.

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