Archive for 05/13/12

Leprecoin Slot Machine - Free Download


Leprecoin Slot Machine

Name: Leprecoin Slot Machine
Entwickler: Slot Machine Factory
Preis: 0,69 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 8,6M
Version: 1.10
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Karten- & Glücksspiele
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Video slots just like the casino! Feel the thrill of the jackpot with Reel Deal!


This slot machine game works with the free app Reel Deal Slots Club. Please install it also.

Is it really the luck of the Irish that determines your outcome? Line your pockets with Leprechaun gold in this exciting Irish themed slot, but beware, Leprechauns don’t part with their gold easily.

• Must Have Reel Deal Slots Club Installed
• 2 FREE SLOT MACHINES! come with the Reel Deal app
• Win more free slots
• Dream World Odds
• Detailed Statistics like: Win Rates, Average Winning, Best Streaks
• Free Spins with Increasing Multipliers as well as an Instant Pick Bonus
• 25 Paylines
• Enter Tournaments and compete with friends
• Large collection of slot machines. Each game offers a different spin on your favorite slots!

Play free slot machines and win more free slots!

Slot machines, fruit machines, poker machines, sim slots, pokies - we've got 'em!

Phantom EFX, the video slot machine leader, brings you multiple slot machines in one app. Enjoy playing slots and the thrill of the jackpot without wagering any real money.

Free slot machines are not lite versions. Each of the free slots is full featured, including stats, achievements and giant jackpots.

ICS GO Launcher EX Theme - Free Download


ICS GO Launcher EX Theme

Name: ICS GO Launcher EX Theme
Entwickler: Kani
Preis: 0,79 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 2,6M
Version: 1.1
minimale Android Version: 2.0 oder höher
Kategorie: Personalisierung
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


ICS GO Launcher EX Theme! Get the looks and feel of Android 4.0!

This is it. The Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) theme for GO Launcher EX.

This theme includes the Ice Cream Sandwich icons, folder and 11 official backgrounds!

★ICS GOWidget Theme:
Use this in combination with ICS GOWidget Theme made by me (Kani) to have the perfect Android 4.0 feel.

Note: The calendar you see in the screenshots is my ICS GOWidget Theme.

★How to use:
1) You must have GO Launcher EX installed (free)
2) To apply the theme in GO Launcher EX: Menu > Themes
3) Choose "GO Launcher EX Theme" > Apply

Please feel free to e-mail me for suggestions and questions. Let's make this theme as close to ICS as possible!

★More info:
Please visit to read more about future updates and new themes.

★New theme by Kani:
-Armor GO Launcher EX Theme, a handsome theme! Go check it out!

★Changes in recent versions:
[Version 1.1]
-(New) Google Play icon added!
-(New) Phase Beam wallpaper (static) added
-(Improve) Changed delete icon and folder icon (original ICS)
-(Change) Icon background
-(Improve) Changed drawer indicator, text color of drawer tab, color of drawer home icon (ICS style)
-(Fix) Drawer tab and dockbar background

[Version 1.0.9]
-(Fix) Menu background in ICS style is fixed for the new GO Launcher menu style!
-(Change) New application icon!

[Version 1.0.8]
-(Fix) App drawer tabs in horizontal orientation
-(Change) The color of the folder is now black/gray instead of blue

[Version 1.0.7]
-(Change) Homescreen indicator and app drawer indicator are as thin as ICS' indicator now

The full change log can be found at

GO Locker- Ice Cream Sandwich - Free Download


GO Locker- Ice Cream Sandwich

Name: GO Locker- Ice Cream Sandwich
Entwickler: dcomobile
Preis: 0,73 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 1,1M
Version: 2
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Personalisierung
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


*You must have GO LOCKER Installed to use this*

Ice Cream Sandwich Lockscreen!

GO Locker has came out and is finally in production mode!
Get your awesome GO-LOCKER app to have this AWESOME Ice Cream Sammie Lock screen!

The lock GLOWS when you charge!

There is a 4 way release for the lock, and can unlock to camera, phone, sms, home screen, and now can unlock to custom short cuts

+ How to apply:
- Click “MENU"
- Preferences
- Theme Settings
- Choose the theme "ICS PRO"

Support those that will SUPPORT YOU.
If you have ANY problems, email us and we will fix everything.
Any issues or changes to GO LOCK SCREEN will be noticed and this lock screen will be updated consistently with the GO LOCKER app itself.

Accept no imitations, DCOMOBILE serves you the finest.



This ultimate ICS ice cream sandwich by dcomobile is blue, silver and glass like. Works for all Android devices 1.6 and up. Makes your phone look like Android 4.0 on the lock screen and provides glowing neon effects when charging. Google's Android Ice Cream Sandwich is set to release soon on carriers like T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, ATT and more! There are other matching themes by us for GO Launcher, Go WIDGETS GoWIDGET, GO Contacts and GO SMS Pro. If you have any request please email us, or get a hold of us through our email developer link.

We are not associated or affiliated with Google.
Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

Weltzeituhr - Free Download



Name: Weltzeituhr
Entwickler: Dr Klukas
Preis: 0,99 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 486k
Version: 1.25
minimale Android Version: 1.5 oder höher
Kategorie: Reisen & Lokales
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Einfach zu nutzende Weltzeituhr mit Zeitschieber zum Finden guter Anrufzeiten.

Einfach zu nutzende, hübsche Weltzeituhr. Enthält Zeitzonendaten für ca. 21000 Städte, historische und übersetzte Namen für große Städte. Analoge und digitale Uhrzeitanzeige sowie Datumsangabe. Innovative "Zeitschieber" vereinfachen das Finden von günstigen Anrufzeiten über Zeitzonen hinweg. Neu: Froyo SD Unterstützung.

The Foreplay Game Full - Free Download


The Foreplay Game Full

Name: The Foreplay Game Full
Entwickler: Artificial Wonders
Preis: 0,99 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 759k
Version: 1.0.3
minimale Android Version: 1.5 oder höher
Kategorie: Lifestyle
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


IMPORTANT: Get Foreplay Game 2 instead.

Schichtkalender - Free Download



Name: Schichtkalender
Entwickler: Alex Gugel
Preis: 1,34 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 637k
Version: 1.6.2
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Dein Schichtplan / Dienstplan fürs Jahr.

Einfach in der Handhabung. Funktioniert mit beliebigen Schichtplänen / Dienstplänen und beliebig vielen Schichten.

Nach Eingabe der Schichtfolge und eines Start-Datums zeigt die App für jeden Tag im Jahr die Schichtbelegung an.

Zusätzlich können Urlaub und Notizen eingetragen und die Schichtbelegung an einzelnen Tagen geändert werden.

Das Widget gibt eine Übersicht der nächsten 4 Tage.

갑자기들리는영어 리스닝왕국 - Free Download


갑자기들리는영어 리스닝왕국

Name: 갑자기들리는영어 리스닝왕국
Entwickler: cocone
Preis: 2,08 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 38M
Version: 1.0.8
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Lernen
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


갑자기들리는영어 리스닝왕국

코코네 앱 30만 다운로드 돌파 기념 할인 이벤트!!
코코네가 고객성원에 감사하는 마음으로
할인 이벤트를 실시합니다.

3500원에서 1000원으로 파격할인!!
부담없는 가격으로 코코네앱을
즐길 수 있는 절호의 찬스!!
이 기회를 놓치지 마세요~!!

가격: 3500원 -> 1000원
※ 해당 이벤트는 한국 마켓에만 적용됩니다.

★대한민국 모바일앱 어워드2011-9월의 으뜸앱으로 선정!! (2011.9.29)
★코코네 영어앱, 유료 분야 전체 1위 차지 (아크로팬 IT 2011.09.14)
★코코네 한・일 앱 스토어 석권 (디지털 타임스 2011.11.07)
★코코네 한・일 언어 앱 석권… SNS로 확장 (파이낸셜뉴스 2011.11.07)

★ 현재 특허출원중

★ 토종 앱 돌풍, 한일 양쪽서 ‘그랜드슬램’ (eBuzz 2011. 6. 27)
★ 코코네 ‘리스닝왕국’, 韓-日 앱스토어 ‘장악’ (ZDnet Korea 2011. 6. 27)
★ 코코네 어학용 앱,한일에서 모두 1위 (한국경제 2011 6. 27)

★평생의 숙적인 영어와의 싸움 이제 그만 화해하셔야죠?? 이 앱 하나면 영어랑 친해질 수 있습니다.

★이미 일본 앱스토어에서 교육 분야 차트에서 1위를 차지하며 그 능력을 검증 받은바 있는 '리스닝 왕국'은 이전 출간 되었던 책을 앱으로 만들어 다시금 판매하는 형식이 아닌, 코코네 독자적인 학습 방법인 게임과 같은 재미요소를 통해 어휘를 지루하지 않게 학습할 수 있도록 하고 있습니다.

※ 지원 해상도: 480 X 800에 최적화 되어 있으며, 600 X 1024(갤럭시 탭)도 지원합니다.

※ 갤럭시 탭 10.1은 지원하지 않습니다.

※ 해상도가 480X800미만의 기종, 540X960, 1280X720(HD)의 기종은 지원하고 있지 않습니다.

◎실생활에서 가장 많이 사용되는 영어만을 간추린 132편의 일상회화를 들을 수 있는 완소앱
◎네이티브 발음을 들으면서 내 발음도 자연스럽게 교정
◎통근시간, 친구 기다리며, 잠자기 전 틈새 시간에만 해도 충분한 효과
◎공부만 하는 앱은 재미없다구!! 학습한 발전도로 마을을 만들어가는 재미가 쏠쏠~
◎공부에 중독되는 신비로운 체험 가능
◆학습(플레이) 방법
【1】맵에서 관심 있는 카테고리를 선택합니다.
【2】미션선택 화면에서 시작버튼을 누릅니다.
【3】회화를 다 듣고 나면 내용에 관계된 문제가 출제됩니다.
【4】제한시간 내에 빠르게 정답을 선택합니다. 틀린 문제는 결과화면에서 다시 한번 확인합니다.
【5】학습이 끝난 후에는 스크립트를 보며 못 듣고 지나친 부분이 있는지 체크!.
【6】맵의 「전체듣기」에서 학습한 회화를 한 번에 들어보실 수 있습니다. 암기할 수 있도록 반복해서 들어보세요.
◆플레이 규칙
◎1개의 미션에는 총 3개의 문제가 출제 됩니다.
◎문제를 푼 소요시간에 따라 Fantastic, Excellent, Great, Good, Bad의 판정을 받게 됩니다.
◎각 판정에는 발전포인트가 부여되며 합산 포인트에 따라 성공과 실패가 결정됩니다.
◆카테고리 설명
◎집에서: 집안에서 일상적으로 쓰이는 회화
◎인간관계: 친구나 연인과 나누는 이런 저런 일상 회화
◎일상생활: 주변 이곳 저곳에서 일어나는 문제해결을 위해 필요한 회화
◎여행: 해외여행 중에 사용되는 회화
◎비즈니스: 직장인이라면 한 번쯤 들었을 법한 간단 오피스 회화.
◆글로벌 어학의 중심 코코네

◆건의 혹은 오류에 관한 문의사항

(Energiesparmodus) B.M - Free Download


(Energiesparmodus) B.M

Name: (Energiesparmodus) B.M
Entwickler: Astro.LLC
Preis: 0,99 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 264k
Version: 2.0.2
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


************************************************** ************
"BM" ist möglich, um die Batterielebensdauer zu verlängern, indem über 50%!
************************************************** ************
"BM" Es gibt eine Trial-Version, bitte versuchen Sie es zuerst.

Wie starten
1. Von der Startseite drücken und halten Sie den Bildschirm
2. Aus dem Menü-Bildschirm "Widgets" Select
3. Die Liste der Widgets "B.M" auswählen

Verschwendet, wenn die Hintergrundbeleuchtung des Bildschirms aus
Schneiden Sie die Lebensdauer der Batterie.
※ Die Umstände Ihrer Energieeinsparungen variieren.

Warten auf "Wi-Fi-Kommunikation" & "Mobile Communications" auf
Deutliche Energieeinsparung durch periodisch ausgeschaltet.
※ eingehende Anrufe möglich sind.

· Widget
Optisch entspricht der Batterie

• Einfache Konfiguration
Berühren Sie den Bildschirm auf den Widget-Einstellungen zu öffnen.
Bitte passen Ihren Wünschen.
Zunächst ist es den meisten empfohlene Einstellung.

ON / OFF • Einfache
Der Energiespareffekt vom ersten Moment an Ort das Widget.
Ausgeschaltet, um auf dem Bildschirm und Funktionalität zu entfernen.

[OS kompatibel]
Android OS: 2.1/2.2/2.3

[Für den Probebetrieb]
Verfügbar für eine gewisse Zeit nach dem Start des App.
Nach Ablauf dieser Frist, kaufen Sie bitte die kostenpflichtige Version.
* Probezeit können ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden.
* Nach Abschluss der Studie zu retten deaktiviert.


Akku, Batterien, Energiesparlampen, Ökologie, Energieeinsparung, langlebig, Batterie-Manager, Batterie-Manager
Battery Saver, Starthilfekabel, Saft Verteidiger batteryfu, eco

[Ver 1.0.1]
Wenn es fertig ist für die Task-basierte killer app "kill" einen Fehler beheben
FIX: Bug, die • Taste zu hören ist
[Ver 1.0.2]
Behebung eines Fehlers, dass die App beendet, wenn es durch eine Killerapplikation für task-basierte beendet
[Ver 1.0.3]
FIX Fehler, die nur selten nicht wieder ·

渋滞ナビ Pro - Free Download


渋滞ナビ Pro

Name: 渋滞ナビ Pro
Entwickler: flictec Inc.
Preis: 1,44 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 415k
Version: 5.0
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Verkehr
Download: Look at the bottom of the page



(財)日本道路交通情報センター (JARTIC)及びGoogleマップの情報を利用しています。



有料版「渋滞ナビ Pro」の追加機能

●GoogleタブでGoogleマップの渋滞情報を表示します(Android 2.3以上が必要です)






「完全なインターネット アクセス」



渋滞情報コンテンツ(地図・文字情報他)の著作権は(財)日本道路交通情報センター (に帰属します。

U Connect - Free Download


U Connect

Name: U Connect
Entwickler: BitLogik
Preis: 0,70 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 43M
Version: 1.31
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Rätsel & Denksport
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Is your finger connected to your brain?

A simple yet extremely fun and addictive puzzle game. The goal is to connect all the points by dragging your finger from point to point without retracing your steps. Sounds simple? It might just have you playing for hours! Try to finish all 1000+ puzzles.

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