Archive for 05/21/12

Inventory - Free Download



Name: Inventory
Entwickler: Wes Wadsworth
Preis: 2,54 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 154k
Version: 2.4.7
minimale Android Version: 1.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Effizienz-Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Grab a stack of CDs or DVDs and start scanning them in! Build a catalog of your inventory - scan in anything with a barcode. Organize your items into lists, with pics. Press Menu->Instructions from the app for full details - also on website below.

Utilizes the free Barcode Scanner app which you must also have installed.

CollageShop Pro - Free Download


CollageShop Pro

Name: CollageShop Pro
Entwickler: SilkenMermaid
Preis: 1,10 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 723k
Version: 3.2
minimale Android Version: 1.5 oder höher
Kategorie: Fotografie
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Creating a Collage is easier than ever before.

Create beautiful collages from pictures on your phone. Surprise your friends with collages of your cherished moments. Make a collage out of a weekend trip or a marriage party. Upload collages directly to Facebook.

With a easy to use interface, Collage Shop from Silken Mermaid makes creating collages easier than ever before

Talking Calendar Ad-free - Free Download


Talking Calendar Ad-free

Name: Talking Calendar Ad-free
Entwickler: Pwn with your Phone
Preis: 1,98 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 160k
Version: 2.6.1
minimale Android Version: 1.5 oder höher
Kategorie: Effizienz-Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Reads aloud calendar events so you never miss an appointment again. Hands free!

**Featured on ITBusinessEdge and Androinica**


Talking Calendar integrates with your Android calendar to read aloud all calendar events at the specified times. Requires no ongoing user intervention.

Hands Free
Great for the road
No reaching for your phone

talk speak reminder alert alarm schedule agenda

SharePlus - SharePoint Client - Free Download


SharePlus - SharePoint Client

Name: SharePlus - SharePoint Client
Entwickler: SouthLabs Inc.
Preis: 15,25 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 1,9M
Version: 1.6.7
minimale Android Version: 2.2 oder höher
Kategorie: Geschäftlich
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


SharePlus for Android, your SharePoint data in your hands.

Sync your favorite SharePoint lists and libraries automatically and take them with you in your Android tablet or smartphone.

Collaborate with your team, sharing documents, calendars and tasks lists right from the meeting room, a taxi, or when out visiting a client, regardless of where that client is, and what network connectivity is like at his location. Browse and edit documents, discussions, announcements, wiki pages and custom lists.

SharePlus will work with your current SharePoint credentials, so you won't have to ask for special permissions to use it. SharePlus doesn't also require any server side components.

To test connectivity with your SharePoint server and content navigation try the Lite version for free.

Among SharePlus features are:

* Add, edit & delete list items, supporting Calendars, Tasks, Pictures, Contacts, Custom Lists and Documents.

* Documents can be saved in a "Local Files" folder, and may be attached to any list item, or used to update any document.
* Full CONTENT TYPE support.
* Check In/Check Out & Approve/Reject support.
* Attach documents to list items.

* Select the lists and/or views you want to store locally.
* OFFLINE SYNC runs on the BACKGROUND copying list contents, including attached documents.

* GRID VIEW: Display your list content as a grid with columns, to quickly visualize all its metadata.
* Views Support: Browse data by view in online mode, respecting server defined list views, with ordering and filtering settings.

SharePlus supports connecting to:
* Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS 3).
* Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007).
* SharePoint 2010.

* Windows and Form Based Authentication (FBA) support.
* Microsoft ISA Server and Microsoft Forefront Authentication support.
* HTTPS SSL Support: Connect to your data in a secure way with SharePlus, to HTTPS urls, certificate enabled repositories.

SharePlus also offers an Enterprise version. Among SharePlus Enterprise features are:

* Rebranding
* In house deployment
* Connection configuration sharing
* Multi factor authentication
* Custom Features & Features trimming
* Premium Customer support

Learn more about SharePlus at

Bizcaroid Ext. -Evernoteplus - Free Download


Bizcaroid Ext. -Evernoteplus

Name: Bizcaroid Ext. -Evernoteplus
Entwickler: OMRON Software Co.,Ltd.
Preis: 1,00 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 27k
Version: 1.02
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Effizienz-Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


"Bizcaroid Ext. -Evernoteplus" is an app that works together with "Bizcaroid".

The "Bizcaroid Ext. -Evernoteplus" is an extension application of "Bizcaroid".
It can be used from the screen of data recognition of "Bizcaroid".

[Main Features]
■Enhanced synchronization with Evernote
- The data taken from the captured images can be uploaded to Evernote (user notes).
* The images can be uploaded with the tag "business card".

・ An Android 2.1 smartphone or higher with camera attached.
* An auto-focus capable camera is required
* A 2 megapixel camera or higher is recommended

This application can only work once Bizcaroid is installed on the same device.
* For more information about Bizcaroid consult the About screen of the application.
* At the bottom of the About screen of each extension app select the information of the developer that read "See more Applications".

* Evernote and the Evernote logo are U.S. registered trademarks and trademarks of Evernote America Co.
* Bizcaroid is a registered trademark of the Omron Corporation Co. Ltd.

FX-602P Taschenrechner - Free Download


FX-602P Taschenrechner

Name: FX-602P Taschenrechner
Entwickler: Martin Krischik
Preis: 3,98 € For free at our blog!
Größe: Variiert je nach Gerät
Version: Variiert je nach Gerät
minimale Android Version: Variiert je nach Gerät
Kategorie: Effizienz-Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Der FX-602P programierbare Taschenrechner für dein Android Telephone.

Der FX-602P Simulator ist einer sehr genaue Simulation des klassischen FX-602P programmierbaren Taschenrechner inklusive allen Zubehörs. FX-602P Simulator ist kein Spielzeug sondern eine vollwertige und vollständig funktionierende Simulation nahezu aller Funkionen des original Rechners und FX-602 Simulator kann daher auch als programmierbarer wissenschaftlichen Taschenrechner verwendet werden.

Wenn der FX-602P Simulator als Taschenrechner verwendet wird übertrifft er die meisten anderen Taschenrechner. Der FX-602P Simulator unterstützt arithmetischen, trigonometrischen, logarithmischen, hyperbolischen, statistischen Funktion und alle alphanumerischen anzeige Optionen des original Taschenrechners.

Und zum guten Schuss ist der FX-Simulator vollständig programmierbar. Man kann bis zu 10 Programme schreiben die 110 Register verwenden.

Auch das zum FX-602P gehörende Zubehör ist vorhanden Mit der eingebauten FA-2 Cassette-Interface Simulation kann man seine Daten und Programme auf sein Flash-Drive speichern und später wieder laden. Oder man druckt die Ergebnissen mit der FP-10 Thermal-Printer Simulation aus und kann diese dann mit Kopieren und Einfügen in anderen Applikationen weiter verwenden.

Für Hilfe und Unterstützung besuchen Sie bitte unsere Webseite. Bei den Markt-Kommentaren gibt es keine Antwort-Funktion - ich kann dann nicht helfen.


• Grundrechenarten:Arithmetische Operationen (Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation und Division, Potenzieren und Wurzelziehen – alle beachten die korrekte Reihenfolge der Operationen), negative Zahlen, Exponenten, 33 klammern 11 ebenen und konstante Operationen.

• Wissenschaftliche Funktionen: Trigonometrische und inverse trigonometrische Funktionen (mit Winkelargument in Altgrad, Bogenmaß oder Neugrad), hyperbolische und inverse hyperbolische Funktionen, Logarithmus- und Exponentialfunktionen Kehrwerte,. Fakultäten,, Quadratwurzel, Quadrieren, Dezimal ⇔ Stunden, Minuten, Sekunden Umwandlung, Koordinaten Transformation, Absolutwert, Bestimmung des Ganzzahligen Teils einer Dezimalzahl Bestimmung des Dezimalteiles Teils einer Dezimalzahl, Prozentrechnung, Zufallszahl, Kreiskonstante π.

• Statistische Funkionen: Standard-Abweichung (2 Arten), Durchschnittswert, Summe, Quadratsumme, Anzahl.
• Speicher: Unabhängiger Speicher mit 5 Tasten, 11 ~ 110 Register (nichtflüchtiger Speicher).

• Zahlenbereich: ± 1 × 10⁻⁹⁹ bis ± 9.999999999 × 10⁹⁹ und 0, interne Vorgänge benutzen 18 stellige Mantisse.

• Dezimalpunkt: Dezimale Gleitpunkt-Arithmetik mir Unterlauf (Anzeige auch in der technischen Schreibweise mit gleitendem Dezimalpunk).


• Anzahl der Programmschritte: 999 Schritte (nicht flüchtig)
Programmsprung: Unbedingter Programmsprung (GOTO), bis zu 10 paaren, bedingter Programmsprung (x=0, x≥0, x=F, x≥F), Zählwerksprung (ISZ, DSZ), Unterprogramm (GSP) bis zu 9 Unterprogramme, bis zu einer Tiefe von 9 (Ebenen).

• Anzahl der speicherbaren Programme: Bis zu 10 (P0 bis P9)
Prüf und Editierfunktionen: Prüfung, Fehlerbereinigung, Streichung, Erweiterung, usz.

• Indirekte Adressierung: Für M-Register, Adresse des Programmsprung, Aufruf eines Unterprogramms.


• Manueller Spring (GOTO), vorübergehende Unterbrechung des Programms (PAUSE), Befehlscode und Programmschrittanzeige während der Prüfung, Simuliertes FA-2 Interface mir Rekord und Datei I/O (Bitte beachten: das letzte benötigt Java Sicherheitsautorisierung).


Das Programm ist portabel geschrieben und sollte auf allen Android Systemen funktionieren (Auch Honeycomb). Auf Wunsch steht auch ein allgemeines Desktop Jar das mit MS-Windows, Linux oder Mac OS X verwendet werden kann.


• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Wird verwendet um den Programmstatus zu speichern und zu laden. Nur das Verzeichnis, in das in dein Einstellungen angegeben wurde, wird verwendet.

PDF Utility - Free Download


PDF Utility

Name: PDF Utility
Entwickler: 00EC454
Preis: 2,12 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 840k
Version: 5.0
minimale Android Version: 1.5 oder höher
Kategorie: Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


PDF-Dienstprogramm ist sehr umfassendes Tool zur Datei führen verschiedene Operation auf pdf. Keine Begrenzung auf die Dateigröße.-Split der pdf-Datei unter bestimmten Seite. Pdf-Merge viele zu einem pdf-Extrahieren von Bildern aus PDF-Overlay-PDF-Dateien verschlüsseln (passwortgeschützt ) pdf
Image hat (s) zum PDF

iRT Calendar - Free Download


iRT Calendar

Name: iRT Calendar
Entwickler: iRT Web Solutions
Preis: 4,34 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 999k
Version: 1.4.734
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Effizienz-Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page



Search events, go to specific day quickly, add icon to events, use iRT Calendar!

Multiple calendar support
Event icons
Month/week/day view
Quick goto
Advanced saved search
Quick search All
Time from now
Multiple backup to SD card
Next event widget
Android 1.6 and higher

Also test drive the FREE
*** iRT Calendar Pro Trial ***
(Can run side by side with iRT Calendar, search the Android Market)

BlueKeyboard Pro JP - Free Download


BlueKeyboard Pro JP

Name: BlueKeyboard Pro JP
Entwickler: Elbrain
Preis: 1,50 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 4,4M
Version: 2.4.1
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


BlueKeyboard JP is IME application for the hardware keyboard (usb, bluetooth).

BlueKeyboard JP is IME application for the Bluetooth keyboard.

Pro version was opened to the public.
Pro version have the user dictionary.

Change Log, Usage, Support keyboard, etc.:
Please access the Developer's Web page.(

Flashcards Maker Pro - Free Download


Flashcards Maker Pro

Name: Flashcards Maker Pro
Entwickler: Great White Software
Preis: 3,75 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 299k
Version: 3.3.6
minimale Android Version: 2.0.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Lernen
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Make cards with computer and playback on phone. Now supports multiple languages!

Andriod division winner of 2011 Best App Ever Awards in the Educational Category. Recognized as "Top 8 Android Apps for Education" by Lauded as "Top 10 Droid Apps for Education" by eSchool News. Defense and Brain Injury Center website proclaims app as top "20 Life-Changing Andriod App for People with Brain Injuries." SimplyZesty ranks app as top "18 Educational Apps that put the 'Smart' into Smartphones." Selected by AT&T for nationwide promotion in 5,000 stores for Back to School campaign.

Welcome to the future of learning! Flash Card Maker Pro is the most advanced learning application on the Android Market. Recognized as a top educational tool by national technological, educational and health organizations. This flashcards Android app was developed after months of research on multi-sensory learning techniques and is the only memory improvement application that is optimized for all Android pads, tablets, and mobile phones. This full featured flash cards application uses advanced gesturing and text-to-speech capability to provide users of all ages with a fully interactive brain building experience.

Improve your memory at lightning fast speed using tried and tested multi-sensory training techniques utilizing all pathways of learning (visual, auditory, kinesthetic or seeing, hearing, touching) simultaneously. Use digital flashcards on your Android phone or tablet to teach children the times tables or how to read, to help students study for exams, learn a new language, practice vocabulary, or to prepare for an upcoming presentation.

Easy-to-use features include: play multiple decks at the same time, shake to hide memorized cards during playback, navigate flash cards using finger gestures, shuffle, sort in multiple ways, track speed with timer, share decks via email, create or convert old flashcards for free using developer website, swap question and answer, backup flash cards database to SD card, and live audio playback in multiple languages using built in text-to-speech engine.

Other uses and advantages of the app include: self-improvement and self-help, boost memory through high-tech memorization techniques, remember tasks and facts better with multi-sensory features, teaching children and kids math with subtraction and addition and the alphabet with letters like ABCs, use as a game or training aid to build your brain and study for tests. The most important feature of this app is the ability to read the flash cards out loud and talk back to the user facilitating auditory senses and the learning of new languages like Spanish, French, Italian, and German. Use the application to study or teach educational topics for the SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, IQ tests, AP, TOEFL, PCAT, VCAT, HSPT, AHPAT, OAT, NCLEX, PRAXIS, MBE, FE, MPJE, and ASVAB etc... The app is ideally suited for training and practice for cognitive and speech therapy or learning disability. Targeted for all ages and grades including: adults, children, kids, college, university, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, graduate, Doctoral, Masters, PhD, and scientist.

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