Primos Speak the Language - Free Download

Primos Speak the Language

Name: Primos Speak the Language
Entwickler: DataRiver LLC
Preis: 1,52 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 13M
Version: 1.4.3
minimale Android Version: 2.2 oder höher
Kategorie: Sport
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Join Team Primos as they strike, blow, and rattle in the big ones!

Over 20 FULLY INTERACTIVE calls have made this the BEST-SELLING HUNTING APP of all time! Use this app to improve your skills for bringing in turkey, elk, deer, duck, hogs, and many more - using tried-and-true favorites like The Gobbler, "The Original Can®", Hoochie® Mama, and the Heart Breaker™. Hear the sounds that expert hunters Will and Jimmy Primos and the rest of the professionals at Primos Hunting Calls use as they strike, grunt, shake, and rattle in the big ones!

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